THE Angel of The Lord.  Who is He?

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Who is the angel of the Lord?  He appeared in different manifestations throughout the Old Testament.


In Exodus 3, when Moses was out tending his father- in-law’s flock, he encountered a burning bush which burnt but was not being consumed.  We read on that the “angel of the Lord” appeared to Moses in a burning bush.  However, was it an angel, as in “ministering spirits sent to serve..”  Hebrews 1:14


As the story unfolds, in Exodus 3:4, the mention of the angel suddenly turns to being termed,  the Lord or God as the conversation progresses… it is written that the Lord saw that Moses turned aside to look and God called to him out of the midst of the bush and said Moses..Moses and Moses responded, Here I am.  Then GOD SAID “do not come near…”  the rest of the verse clearly states that the dialogue was between GOD and Moses.  Therefore, why was He initially called  “angel of the Lord” the beginning of the visitation?


There are several other interesting “angel of the Lord” sightings only in the Old Testament and briefly in the New BEFORE the coming of Jesus Christ, where the same scenario is repeated. However, I have selected a few below…

In Abraham’s sighting, three men appeared though Abraham communicated to them as though they were one person…a trinity?.


Abraham: Genesis 18; In Abraham’s sighting, we see “the Lord appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre, while he was sitting at the tent door in the heat of the day.  When he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold three men stood at a little distance….” In verse 2-3, Abraham addresses the THREE men singularly “My Lord…”  In verse 9 again, the THREE inquired of Sarah and where she was.  But in verse 10 again singular “The Lord said I will surely return…..” and In genesis 21:1 the Lord did indeed visit Sarah.  Abraham in conversation addressed them as one, though they appeared as three and even the meals were prepared in three’s…


In Gideon and Manohas’ visitations, again initially He is called “the angel of the Lord” but as the conversations progress,  suddenly turns to Lord and/or God said and in both instances, He accepts the “offering” and after that both Manoah/wife and Gideon come to the realization that they “have seen God” and fear for their lives because it is written that “no one can see God and live” ….Exodus 33:20


Gideon:  Judges 6:11 Angel of the Lord..but as conversation progresses.. The Lord turned to him and said.. and Gideon responded Oh Lord…Gideon requests for proof that indeed he was talking to God, and in verse 18 God asks for a offering which is consumed proving to Gideon He was in the presence of God


Manoah and His wife Judges 13:  In verse 3 the angel of the Lord appeared to Manoahs barren wife to announce the birth of Samson. Again, reading on, the angel of the Lord accepts the offering and the two quickly realize they have seen God and fear for their lives…Judges 13:22


To  Joshua 5:13  and Balaam in  Number 22:31 the angel of the Lord appeared “armed” as Lord of Hosts, for battle ..  As the visitation continues in Joshua 5:2 , turns to ..and the Lord said….


With Balaam again in Numbers, the conversation is evidently between him and God.


Who was this Angel of The Lord?


In Exodus  3:13-15. when the Angel of The Lord appeared to Moses in the burning bush,  Moses asked Him,  “who will I tell the Israelite has sent me? What is His name?”.  The Angel of The Lord/God said ..”you will tell them that I AM has sent me unto you…this is my name forever, and by this name I am to be remembered  TO ALL GENERATIONS!” 


Fast forward… New Testament.


In the New Testament and most powerful depiction of the Great I AM, was after Judas had betrayed Jesus and the soldiers came to whisk Him away, where we read  in John 8:4, that when Jesus asked “Whom seek ye?”, They answered “Jesus of Nazareth”. Jesus responded,” I AM “.  Most bibles have added “he in I AM he” due to translation, but the Hebrew version simply says “I AM”.   Again, here we see exactly what the angel of the Lord said in Exodus to Moses in the Old Testament… Jesus repeated it in person, Himself!


And the most amazing revelation is the reaction of those around Him as He made this majestic declaration!! verse 6 it is written, “as soon as He had said unto them I AM, they went backward and all fell to the ground! Power and Majesty! Hallelujah the Great I AM!


The same I AM in old testament, who told Moses that, this would be His memorial TO ALL GENERATIONS, the angel of the Lord, the THREE in ONE……Jesus Christ, Emmanuel (God with us Mathew 1:23 ), Word of God (Word became flesh...John 1:14), repeated it again in the New Testament. 

In Christ Jesus, all the fullness of the Deity, LIVES IN BODILY FORM ….

Colossians 2:9

Further, He clearly stated He was there all along…”before Abraham was born, I AM”…

John 8:58  In the beginning was the Word..John 1:1-3 


Now, after Jesus came and dwelt with us, God revealing Himself to us in Jesus Christ, the scenario changed.  The recorded visitations in the New Testament that quickly come to mind due to their popularity, are that of Saul and ofcourse John (Revelation).  It would be interesting to note however, that there is now no mention of angel of the Lord, it is plain Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!


In Acts 9:3  Saul encountered “light” from heaven that shone around him.  The voice later  identified himself as “I AM Jesus…”Acts 9:4-5 and John expounds his  visitation  from Jesus in the remarkable book of Revelation 1:1 which is the revelation God gave to Jesus (not John), who in turn gave it to his servant John..


Several visitations have been reported in recent years by people who have either seen the light or Christ Jesus Himself , as depicted in flesh during his sojourn on earth….Acts 2:17 is most certainly coming to fruition meaning, it is the last days as stated (end times)


In my own personal experience during the first visitation when the light shone in my room that night when God so graciously allowed me the glorious experience in early 2012 , He said simply…”Follow me”, and though my eyes were shut tight as I lay prostrate on the ground terrified and unable to utter a word!, as were all the people mentioned in the Old Testament and in Saul’s visitations, reading the New Testament when Christ called the disciples “follow me”,  I am indeed humbled to acknowledge  that at some point, because after the light shone, I traveled in the light before suddenly stopping and as I slightly opened my eyes to peep, the light opened up slowly before the voice said “follow me”…it was Christ Jesus calling, as He did then, and just as He is calling you today..come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest Mathew 11:28  Do not harden your hearts…..Hebrews 3:15


However, to Mary mother of Jesus, it was an angel,  Gabriel who was send in Luke 1:26  

I found myself pondering why the angel of the Lord did not appear to Mary as well.  But reading Gabriel’s message, it indeed would have been awkward God delivering that message about Himself, by Himself! Luke 1:28-36 Read the verse and try replacing anywhere God, Holy Spirit or Jesus is mentioned with I, myself or would indeed been akward!

thou shalt concieve in thy womb and bring forth a son (me) and shalt call his (my) name Jesus.  He (I) shall be great and shall be called the son… and he (I) shall reign over the hosue…the Holy Ghost (again I) shall come upon thee..etc.etc.]  Amazing God!

Later in the New Testament, appearances of angels eg Peter in cell, would  read ‘an’  angel and not ‘the’ angel as applied on some  translations. Because the apostles now knew Jesus. A face had been put to  The Word, so to speak. So wouldn’t they recognize Him?  Only to Paul, who recognized his visitation was supernatural and addressed the voice as Lord, but Jesus did identify Himself (on the walk to Damascus)..”I am Jesus whom you percecute” ..why? Because Paul was not one of those who were with Jesus when Zhe walked the earth, he was called after Jesus had returned to heaven.

Glory to God!


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